Share this post TFUPM Posted July 26, 2013

Organic agriculture has quite a few definitions and depending upon who you ask, quite a few different benefits and advantages. The bottom line, however, is that using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers creates a slippery slope down the road to potentially disastrous environmental and social impacts throughout the world. Things such as additives, preservatives, veterinary drugs, and genetically modified seeds threaten the health of the world’s environment. Therefore, a push towards organic growing continues to build steam throughout the United States.

Long-term soil fertility is maintained and encouraged through the application of organic agriculture. Preventing the onset of pests and diseases is entirely achievable through organic growing practices. In fact, as more and more attention is placed on the value of organic growing, the options expand and the prices go down, giving little excuse to those who choose to grow with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Here are some of the most important benefits of organic growing:

  • Long-term sustainability
  • Enhancement of healthy, fertile soil nutrients
  • Water infiltration is improved drastically
  • Mitigation of the greenhouse effect
  • Mitigation of global warming
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation of nature
  • Increase in agriculture production
  • Natural resource increases

Creating a culture of organic growing is critical to the future of the farming industry. As the nation continues to lean towards organic practices in an effort to maintain the environment, it is important for all growers to contribute the best way possible. Something as simple as changing to organic pesticides and organic fertilizers can make a significant difference today and, more importantly, for our tomorrow.

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