Top 10 Tips for Growing Marijuana
Medical marijuana is now approved in some capacity in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhone Island, Vermont, and Washington. Since 20 states plus DC have now enacted some type of laws to legalize medical marijuana, the presence of legal grow houses and dispensaries has skyrocketed. Hydroponic growers take growing cannabis seriously. However, when done incorrectly, growers find that they can lose thousands of dollars in a single batch due to a simple oversight. It isn’t easy to cultivate the perfect cannabis harvest, but by accounting for a few important yet often overlooked elements you can make sure to put your crops in the best position for prosperous growth.
Starting a marijuana business takes proper funding, extensive research, and a true dedication to perfecting the craft of growing cannabis. Without time and effort, no marijuana dispensary can become profitable. Let’s take a look at the top 10 tips for growing marijuana:
- Research, research, research – know exactly about room design, general growing, and all cannabis basics
- Start with buying the grow room and make sure it is big
- Most growers will advocate two rooms: one for flowering and one for vegging
- More light = better growth, be sure to have 30 watts per square foot of your grow room floor space
- Pay attention to the ventilation system, avoid hot humid air as much as possible
- Do not grow starting with seeds, use cuttings from adult mother plants that are healthy
- Ensure that only female plants are being cultivated (many say “duh” to this, but you’d be surprised at how many marijuana growing hopefuls are unaware)
- Choose your rooting hormones carefully, this is a vital part of the process that determines the health of roots
- Use organic nutrients, trust us you will be happy you did
- Keep it clean – far too many growers let their grow rooms run rampant, this is an open invitation for pests as well as a safety threat
When it comes to growing marijuana, starting the right way is absolutely imperative. From room size to lighting to ventilation to nutrient choice, even the slightest hiccup can ruin an entire harvest. And finally, when in doubt, ask questions! Forums are an excellent way to source information from some of the best in the cannabis industry.