Conditioning Soil for Nutrient Increase
Supplying soil with the appropriate nutrients is essential to a healthy harvest. When it comes to growing thriving crops, conditioning the soil can be the difference between a flourishing yield and a disappointing yield. Understanding the basics behind improving soils for great vegetable growth is important for gardeners, farmers, and all types of growers. In order to maintain fertile soil that is well-drained and textured correctly, growers must supply the soil with nutrients that prevent overgrowth and encourage productive harvests. Let’s take a look at some of the primary components and considerations for maintaining desirable soil for your garden.
Moisture Conditions
Far too many growers get too eager and attempt to work the soil when it is too wet. Working the soil at the right time centers around proper moisture, as the soil should be dry enough to crumble as the grower works it. No soil should be spaded or tilled until this time. A great way to test moisture is to take a handful of soil, squeeze, and if the soil remains in a tight ball after releasing the pressure, it is recommended to wait a few days before tilling or spading. Remember, rainfall will affect moisture conditions and must be accounted for.
Water Drainage
Poorly-drained soils are the easiest way to limit crop production. Surface drainage as well as subsurface drainage is imperative to quickly remove excess water while eliminating pockets and low spots where water is likely to remain for long periods of time.
While moisture conditions and water drainage are the two most critical factors, the following must also be addressed to condition soil properly:
- Soil pH
- Erosion
- Texture
- Use of cover crops
- Structure
- Avoidance of temporary nitrogen deficiency