Share this post TFUPM Posted May 22, 2014

Nitrogen plays an incredibly important role in overall crop production. In order for plants to achieve notable economic yields, nitrogen levels must be managed and optimized accurately and regularly. Healthy growth in almost any type of plant depends on the ability for nitrogen to be absorbed sufficiently. Nitrogen deficiency is a serious threat that every plant is prone to, other than legumes. Protecting vegetables from nitrogen deficiency is imperative to facilitate healthy crop growth. Therefore, detecting nitrogen deficiency is important to prevent the problem from growing to a level that cannot be fixed. Crop production depends on nitrogen’s presence in the plants.

Plants cannot thrive without their most essential macronutrient, nitrogen. Plant cells depend on nitrogen for structural, metabolic, and genetic compounds that allow it to grow with great health. In addition, nitrogen is present chlorophyll, which allows the plants to use sunlight energy through photosynthesis that produces sugars. Nitrogen levels are most important during the vegetative stage, where the roots look to nitrogen for both support and strength. As the plant roots receive more and more nitrogen, they are able to take in more nutrients and water.

As a result of water and nutrient intake, plants produce beautiful green foliage and grow much, much more rapidly. These attributes lay the foundation for incredible components of overall crop production. From much larger yields to tastier vegetables, nitrogen is critical. Finally, nitrogen levels even play a role in building crop stability. Plants are better able to fight off diseases, pests, and other adverse weather conditions that would harm nitrogen deficient plants, which grow slowly with a poor structure and color.

While stable nitrogen levels are vital for crop production, there is a potential for too much nitrogen. Plants that have extremely high levels of nitrogen may not be able to produce fruits or flowers. Nitrogen overload can lead to things like plant burning that causes the leaves to shrivel up and eventually die. Overall, being hyper-aware of nitrogen levels is the best thing that a grower can do. Be sure to monitor nitrogen presence for the best crop production possible.

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