Share this post TFUPM Posted June 14, 2013

Curing and preventing powdery mildew is one of the most difficult and frustrating issues that growers face today. From fruits to vegetables to flowers and trees, treating powdery mildew outbreaks is critical to keeping your harvest healthy and flourishing. Unfortunately, with such a wide range of competing products on the market, finding powdery mildew fungicide that works can be very challenging. Every company claims to be safe and effective for use on your crops. Most of these companies, however, fail to inform the buyers about the chemical components that greatly hinder the crop’s production capacity.

In terms of control, prevention is always best option. Using a powdery mildew fungicide is imperative to controlling outbreaks by preventing them from occurring. As one of the most widespread plant diseases today, powdery mildew is easily identified. The issue often lies in understanding how to approach a powdery mildew infestation the best way. When choosing a powdery mildew fungicide to target your outbreaks, look for the following terms on the label to ensure that the product is good for your harvests:

  • Organic
  • Non-Toxic
  • No harmful chemicals used
  • Tested in a laboratory
  • Non-Burning
  • Able to use from germination through harvest
  • No aroma
  • Safe under any light

While some of these attributes may seem unnecessary, all of the above factors will play a substantial role in not only keeping the harvest free from powdery mildew outbreaks, but also for keeping your crops healthy and edible. Far too many growers fall into the trap of purchasing a powdery mildew fungicide that ends up doing more harm than good.


If you are in the market for a safe and effective way to prevent outbreaks with a reputable powdery mildew fungicide, choose the product that Growers Trust, Powdery Mildew Killer!

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